Celebrate a new year of music in big band style at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center with the high-energy and swank sounds of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. These masters of contemporary swing launched the 1990's craze for classic American dance music and they will bring their robust retro sound to the Niswonger stage on Saturday, February 21 at 7:30 PM. Presented by Westwood Behavioral Health Center, Inc, their unique creation of swing and jazz oriented sound appeals to a wide audience of listeners looking for that zing-filled edge of something different. We DARE you to stay in your seat when this Biggest Baddest band takes the stage.
This year marks the 22nd anniversary of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's remarkable arrival onto the music scene. In it's first years, having secured their legendary residency at the Derby nightclub in Los Angeles, they reminded the world in the middle of the grunge era, that it was still cool to swing, big band style. Today the high energy nine piece ensemble continues the party and takes things to the next level with the release of “Rattle Them Bones”, the follow up to the much lauded 2009 release,”How Big Can You Get?: The Music of Cab Calloway.”
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was made famous with notable singles, "Go Daddy-O", "You & Me & the Bottle Makes 3 Tonight," and "Mr. Pinstripe Suit" is known for their swinging styles of the '40s and '50s complete with Rat Pack lingo and zoot suits. Rattle Them Bones urges their millions of fans worldwide to shake and move to their inimitable grooves while also expanding their horizons forward with new musical inspiration and influence. Alternatively, the intensity of the Calloway project helped the band further hone it's ability to honor the great musicians and music of the past while pushing the genre forward through interpretation and vision. Leader Scotty Morris has called that experience "The greatest musical education possible,and one that again solidified the brotherhood of the band.”
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is a featured “Dinner And A Show” event. Willow Bend Country Club features the Prime Rib Buffet for $19.99 for all ticketed guests. Seating is limited. Reservations can be made by calling 419-238-0111 or through the Niswonger Box Office.
Tickets are now available beginning at just $20 at www.NPACVW.org or through the Box Office, 419-238-NPAC, Mon-Fri, Noon - 4 PM. The Box Office is located at 10700 SR 118 S, Van Wert, OH.
Supporting sponsors are Dark Horse Productions, Brewed Expressions, Lincoln Printing, iHeart Media, Times Bulletin Media and Willow Bend Country Club.