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Updates from the Van Wert LIVE Team– shows, events, promo, and more!
Find out what makes Van Wert an exceptional place for a show!
Entertainment, right here in Van Wert.
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Join the fun of Local Entertainment!
This exciting partnership reflects OhioHealth’s commitment to enhancing the cultural landscape of our community.
This program is dedicated to making the arts accessible to families and children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to experience the magic…
Without the continued support of local families, businesses, and sponsors, our stage simply wouldn’t exist.
Continue the Thanksgiving weekend fun with family, creating new memories while dancing in your seat!
A generous award to Van Wert Live from the span style="font-variant-ligatures:normal">span style="font-weight:400">span style="orphans:2">span style="widows:2">span…
An exciting lineup of shows kicking off in the new year.