Event Details
Sam Quinones is a Los Angeles-based freelance journalist and author of three books of narrative nonfiction. His latest book is Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic (Bloomsbury, 2015), for which he traveled across the United States.
As Opiate addiction and subsequent heroin use sweep across the nation, suburban and small town America are left trying to make sense of it and searching for solutions. Former L.A. Times reporter Sam Quinones is a veteran journalist who covered im- migration, gangs, drug trafficking, the border and Mexico, where he lived and wrote for 10 years. His latest book, Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic, explores just what led to this current drug crisis. Quinones details heroin’s path through the heartland, as it moved through Columbus and Portsmouth, Ohio, as well as a glimpse into the lives of individuals and fami- lies affected by opiate addiction.
An hour long presentation by Quinones will be followed by a panel comprised of local officials who will explore the opiate epidemic from a local perspective. The panel will discuss local law enforcement efforts, prosecution of drug offenses, and treat- ment efforts. There will be an opportunity for those in attendance to pose questions to the panel.